
Mobile Recruitment

Using automation to increase workload capacity

A recruitment specialist responsible for placing candidates permanent positions, was struggling to find a quick and efficient method by which candidates could be informed of new opportunities. Using traditional communications such as telephone and email, sometimes prevented recruiters from reaching all potential candidates when a new position became available.

View the Mobile Recruitment process

Step 1

Isuue new vacancies to candidates by SMS

Step 2

Allow candidate to reply to register interest

Step 3

Issue progress updates regarding the vacancy by SMS

New opportunities are now issued automatically by Boomerang via SMS. Each message contains a response option, allowing an eligible candiate to register their interest in the position. Updates relating to subsequent events (documentation requirements, interview dates etc) are also sent to the candidate by SMS. The automation of this process has enabled Recruiters to manage a far greater volume of opportunities at any one time.”

Benefits to your business

Speed up creation of candidate ‘short-lists’ by removing manual overhead

Enable staff to manage a greater volume of opportunities at any one time

Generate greater candidate interest by simplifying the engagement process

Workforce Management

Select another scenario type
  • Shift Planning & Management

  • Time & Attendance

  • Field Force Management

  • Mobile Recruitment

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How can we help?

Please do not hesitate to get in touch either by email, consultation request, or a phone call if required.