
Crisis Management – Recall

Limit risk and reputational damage by responding quickly and cohesively in recall situations

An organisation without any clear recall strategy faced significant challenges when trying to manage recall situations. As the organisation was not joined in its approach, there were inconsistencies in the steps taken when responding to a withdrawal requirement. Key information was failing to reach business functions that were required to respond in a timely manner and there was little accountability for, or awareness of, the steps being taken across these functions. This led to delays in removing a defective item from production and informing customers. Furthermore, the organisation’s messaging across its various media channels was slow to take shape.

View the Crisis Management Recall process

Step 1

Issue simultaneous messages to representatives within different business functions required to take action. Include a response request to acknowledge receipt

Step 2

Escalate the message through each communication channel until a response is received

Step 3

Escalate the message through the chain of command within the different business functions until a response is received (also using each communication channel if required)

Step 4

Use the response to trigger a further message advising that the required activity has been completed

Step 5

Distribute notifications to impacted customers

A recall strategy was formulated that included Boomerang to manage communications across the different business functions.  In the event of a recall, simultaneous messages are sent to the respective management teams in those business functions (Stores, Legal, PR and IT), requesting acknowledgement that the recall plan has been activated.

A structured escalation flow is implemented (based on seniority) until an acknowledgement is returned and a second response is submitted from each function confirming that the activities set out in the recall plan have been completed. This joined-up approach enabled a more cohesive response, which has helped to contain the negative impact of a recall incident.

Benefits to your business

Minimise customer risk by reducing recall response times

Limit reputational damage by quickly responding to customers and media

Manage follow-up of outstanding activities by exception

Streamline management of future recall situations using critical reporting data

Example Applications

Product recalls

Vehicle recalls

Testing recall process plans

Incident Management

Select another scenario type
  • Service Outages

  • Service Disruption

  • Crisis Recall Management

  • Business Continuity

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