
Dynamic Scheduling

Workforce Mangement solution icon animation Boomerang messaging

A logistics company responsible for scheduling several thousand deliveries each day was using SMS updates to inform customers of delivery status updates. On allocating a delivery slot, a message was triggered to the parcel recipient confirming the date and time with a second message sent as a reminder on the day before. However, ‘missed’ deliveries were still proving costly, as customers would not always remember to make contact if unavailable and even when they did, the contact centre agent had to manually reschedule the delivery.

Select a scenario below to find out more
  • Deliveries

    Reducing the costs associated to ‘missed’ deliveries

  • Replenishment and Collection

    Eliminating ‘unwanted’ collections

  • Appointments, Bookings and Reservations

    Automating booking fulfillment to maximise occupancy

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