
Service Quality Assurance

Proactively identifying service issues

Following a service installation, an organisation conducted a survey and found that many of the customers who experienced some form of technical issue rated their overall experience very poorly. Results showed that the frustration at not having a functioning service was compounded by the time taken to resolve these issues over the phone.

View the Service Quality Assurance process

Step 1

Issue a service call follow-up reminder to the relevant staff member

Step 2

Request a response confirming that a follow-up call has been completed

Step 3

Send a message requesting the outcome of the follow-up call

Step 4

Use the response value to identify problems that require further attention

The engineer performing the installation now contacts the customer within 24 hours of the installation to ensure there are no follow-up issues. An SMS reminder is sent via Boomerang prompting the engineer to make the follow-up call to the customer.  By responding to the message, the engineer then updates the status of the job – ‘1’ for Complete or ‘2’ if further action is required.  If any further action is required, a member of the customer support team is automatically prompted to contact the customer to resolve any outstanding issues.

As a result, customer satisfaction has increased markedly, because any issues are being proactively managed by the organisation, removing the onus from the customer.

Benefits to your business

Identify customer issues proactively and improve service quality

Automate customer follow-up activities from an engineer's SMS response

Substantially reduce customer cancellations

Example Applications

Service installations – digital TV, broadband, telephone, boilers

Service maintenance – boilers, electrical equipment, white goods

Installation of expensive technical equipment

Customer Experience Management

Select another scenario type
  • Service Quality Assurance

  • Service Continuity Instant Authentication

  • Service Continuity Fast Tracking Payments

  • Customer Facing Services

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How can we help?

Please do not hesitate to get in touch either by email, consultation request, or a phone call if required.