Microsoft Connector - Boomerang
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Microsoft Connector

Get started with our Microsoft PowerApp today

boomApp Connect

Boomerang’s custom connector brings Intelligent 2-way, multi-channel messaging to the Power Platform. For organisation’s looking to access the next generation of digital messaging, our connector provides the ability to build workflows from existing applications such as Dynamics, ERP, plus applications with existing connectors such as Azure, IoT Central and Microsoft Teams.

* All fields must be completed.

  1. Your name will be used as your User ID on the application
  2. We will use your email address to send you an email to complete the registration to the free trial and some documentation on the use of the system. If you tick the opt-in box, you will give us your permission to use your email to perform email marketing campaigns and send you updates on our service.
  3. Your company name will be used to identify your account
  4. Your country will be your default country on the application
  5. We will use your landline to provide you with the best possible service and experience when using our services.
  6. We need your mobile number to send you the Authorisation Code you will need to Activate your account (You will see a message coming from Boomerang, saying “Boommail Authorisation Code: — —. After entering the code check your email for instructions and user guides to help get your service up and running”).

Note on Data Collection and Management

If you opt-in to our marketing communications, every communication you receive in the future from us will contain a link to an opt-out page, where you will be able to complete your opt-out request.

You can request access to, rectification or erasure of your data at any time; you also have the right to withdraw consent at any time by simply opting out from the service. To Request access to your data (Subject Access Request – SAR) you can get in touch with us via email (support@boomcomms.com)  or call us on +44 (0)207 224 5555. For further information on how we manage your data, have a look at our Privacy Policy

We may collect the following Data, which includes personal Data, from you:

  1. IP address (automatically collected);
  2. Web browser type and version (automatically collected);
  3. Operating system (automatically collected);
  4. A list of URLs starting with a referring site, your activity on this Website, and the site you exit to (automatically collected); in each case, in accordance with this privacy policy.