Value proposition - Boomerang
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  • Propagate your customer base
  • Build new revenue streams
  • Increase gross profits
  • Get a competitive edge

As a partner of Boomerang you have the ability to work with clients of all sizes, from SME to Enterprise and move to a cloud commission model which will give monthly recurring revenues. The diverse tools underpinned by patented threading technology are suited to a wide range of applications. All applications are easy to set up and intuitive in their design. They are accessed through a slick, cloud based user interface.

Types of partner


Application partners are B2B companies that build and market enterprise applications delivering better business outcomes when enhanced with more improved messaging and voice capabilities. Examples include companies that build SaaS applications for marketing automation, call center operations, customer service, ecommerce and sales automation, or that build enterprise SaaS applications for vertical markets.

Distribute Boomerang technology


Integration partners offer consulting, integration services and custom solutions to enterprises who are looking to innovate the way they engage with their customers. Examples include system integrators, marketing agencies and development shops with domain experience in digital transformation, customer experience, and the contact center.

Sell our products


Technology partners offer complementary APIs or platforms that can be enhanced when combined with messaging and voice capabilities. Examples include companies that offer bot and AI frameworks, integration platforms, and natural language engines.

Develop Boomerang into a solution

Boomerang products

Click product logo for more info

Uses for our products and services

Workforce management

Business Continuity

Automating & improving contact centre engagement

Critical Incident management


Conducting polls / surveys


Want to become a partner?

Get in touch with us today to get started.


+44 (0) 207 224 5555

