
SMS tips Tag

Tetra Today Magazine - One to many with intelligent messaging Boomerang’s CEO Peter Tanner discusses how 2-Way automated SMS systems are helping organisations handle major incidents and easily communicate at scale.There is relentless pressure on businesses to reduce overheads and focus heavily on customer experience management....

 Presentation at Critical Communications World- CCW2017 in HongkongHow does Capita capitalise on Boomerang’s Intelligent Messaging  One of the daily challenges within the Emergency Services is contact management across multiple channels, including SMS/MMS.  Using ControlWorks, in combination with several Intelligent Message Threading products provided by Boomerang, the...

Boomerang’s intelligent messaging gateway manages 2-Way communications over SMS, E-mail and Voice, enabling fully automated interactions between an organisation’s business processes and its stakeholders. By providing the ability to automate, escalate and prioritise 2-way communications, irrespective of the quantity or order by which they are...

For many of us, our mobiles are now an integral part of everyday life. They never leave our sides and if they do, it isn’t for long. Mobiles are our main source of internet research, social media and our morning alarm, so with phones playing such a large part in our lives it seems obvious to optimise your marketing for mobile. The following companies have experimented with SMS mobile marketing and found great success. Could you take a leaf out of their book?