

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 17.38.06Boomerang Messaging values smaller realities as much as the bigger ones and, along with this, values being able to enrich the lives of disadvantaged people and opening new possibilities for them through collaboration with charity projects. Because of this, we are glad to announce that Boomerang has officially become a supporter of London-based charity Mousetrap Theatre Projects.

Addressing public safety and critical communications Public safety and the management of emergency communications are of paramount importance.  Getting it right quickly can often mean the difference between life and death. Crisis situations and emergencies impact both the private and public sectors and both streamlined incident...

Boomerang launches the Triage turnkey solution at the Optimizing Call Centres Summit in Barcelona. The Boomerang team is just back from a successful trip to Barcelona attending the 8th Annual "Optimising Call Centres" summit (OCCsummit) to launch its new Triage turnkey solution, that took place from October...

Meeting a fast paced messaging requirement The way that we communicate has changed massively over the past 20 years. Today, consumers don’t just use the phone or traditional mail to get their message across; they make themselves heard through email, text messaging and social media.  Because...

Tetra Today Magazine - One to many with intelligent messaging Boomerang’s CEO Peter Tanner discusses how 2-Way automated SMS systems are helping organisations handle major incidents and easily communicate at scale.There is relentless pressure on businesses to reduce overheads and focus heavily on customer experience management....

Better communication means more efficient workflows, resulting in increased effectiveness. Shift planning is a key element of business operations and requires efficient management to keep operating costs in check. Boomerang’s solution for workforce management is a proven tool that helps achieve greater shift planning efficiencies for any...