

Most companies believe they have transformed the way they interact with customers, suppliers and mobile/remote staff in recent years. From Twitter feeds to SMS, email, IM and voice, many organisations have embedded communication within core applications such as CRM and ERP, to drive timely, relevant stakeholder engagement.But, look again. The reality is that the vast majority of these developments may have enabled organisations to get the message out, but have they really improved the stakeholder experience? And have they created a fully automated end to end process to reduce costs and improve efficiency?In most cases, if any of these stakeholders needs or wants to respond to the communication blast, the only option is to pick up the phone, go online or send an email. To move away from this outdated and ineffective model, companies need a communication channel that provides a meaningful dialogue with stakeholders. Peter Tanner, CEO, Boomerang, insists by solving this communication challenge organisations can create an effective and efficient two-way dialogue using intelligent technology that exploits real time communication to not only inform but also transform day to day stakeholder experience.

In order to be truly effective, multi-channel CRM must rely on an automated business workflow, according to Peter Tanner, CEO of Boomerang.Of course, modern businesses cannot assume that customers want to reach them by phone only, and nor do they. But why give a customer the option of texting or emailing the business when they have a query, if they then have to wait for a call from someone at a call centre?It is all well and good saying, “give customers lots of choice about communication” but why don’t we also improve the method of how we manage those communications?