
incident management

 Presentation at Critical Communications World- CCW2017 in HongkongHow does Capita capitalise on Boomerang’s Intelligent Messaging  One of the daily challenges within the Emergency Services is contact management across multiple channels, including SMS/MMS.  Using ControlWorks, in combination with several Intelligent Message Threading products provided by Boomerang, the...

bottle Following on from his first instalment last month, Boomerang’s CEO, Peter Tanner, picks up on where he left off, with his thoughts on effective response methods to critical incidents.The new communications manual: automateThe rapidly-evolving technology landscape has, of course, provided more modern means of communication; SMS, email, mobile and social media have extended communications pathways and each present powerful mechanisms for real-time, instant messaging. But, despite being strengthened by a whole raft of communications channels, incident management processes are all-too-often dependent on a monologue, where there is little or no interaction between either party. These models are a hostage to fortune – and, as incident resolution times naturally extend, they can potentially cost a fortune too.