
business SMS

Boomerang launches the Triage turnkey solution at the Optimizing Call Centres Summit in Barcelona. The Boomerang team is just back from a successful trip to Barcelona attending the 8th Annual "Optimising Call Centres" summit (OCCsummit) to launch its new Triage turnkey solution, that took place from October...

Our interactive digital messaging solution streamlines business operations, improves efficiency and reduces the cost of customer facing support services.  It provides choice for the customer and empowers an organisation to customise the workflows required to automatically manage those customer interactions.With a read rate of 97%...

Tetra Today Magazine - One to many with intelligent messaging Boomerang’s CEO Peter Tanner discusses how 2-Way automated SMS systems are helping organisations handle major incidents and easily communicate at scale.There is relentless pressure on businesses to reduce overheads and focus heavily on customer experience management....

Better communication means more efficient workflows, resulting in increased effectiveness. Shift planning is a key element of business operations and requires efficient management to keep operating costs in check. Boomerang’s solution for workforce management is a proven tool that helps achieve greater shift planning efficiencies for any...

Boomerang’s intelligent messaging gateway manages 2-Way communications over SMS, E-mail and Voice, enabling fully automated interactions between an organisation’s business processes and its stakeholders. By providing the ability to automate, escalate and prioritise 2-way communications, irrespective of the quantity or order by which they are...

Top-messaging-apps-for-Windows-Phone-71 The Joy of Text

Alan Dye, Sales and Marketing

Director, Boomerang

SMS remains the most penetrative messaging channel of the modern era – yet many businesses still fail to leverage its rich potential. One statistic to point to the yield of SMS is that the average open rate for an SMS message is a whopping 98%. So how can businesses in almost every industry use SMS to transform processes, drive efficiencies and enhance the customer experience?

bottle Following on from his first instalment last month, Boomerang’s CEO, Peter Tanner, picks up on where he left off, with his thoughts on effective response methods to critical incidents.The new communications manual: automateThe rapidly-evolving technology landscape has, of course, provided more modern means of communication; SMS, email, mobile and social media have extended communications pathways and each present powerful mechanisms for real-time, instant messaging. But, despite being strengthened by a whole raft of communications channels, incident management processes are all-too-often dependent on a monologue, where there is little or no interaction between either party. These models are a hostage to fortune – and, as incident resolution times naturally extend, they can potentially cost a fortune too.